


美丽英文(哲理卷)- 第25部分

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 purpose: to live a full life with an awareness and an appreciation of other people。 I do not pretend for a second that I have suddenly bee a paragon。 My faults are still legion and I know them。
  But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it。 I feel better adjusted; more mature than I ever have in my life before。 I have no fear。 I say this not boastfully but in all humility。 The actual application of Christian principles has changed my life。

  如果说生活并不总是诗情画意的,但它至少是富有韵律的。根据一个人思维轨迹的路径来看,人的精神体验呈现周期性。尽管其距离、轨道的长短、运行速度、循环周期都不得而知,但是其循环性是可以肯定的。在上周或去年内心所遭受的痛苦,现在已烟消云散,但是痛苦会在下周或明年卷土重来。快乐与否与我们所经历的事情并不相干,而是取决于思维的浪潮。疾病是有节奏的,越接近死亡,其周期越短,身体恢复所需要的时间也越长。对于一件事的悲痛,昨天不堪忍受,明天也会如此。尽管今天很容易承受,可是悲痛却没有过去。甚至未解的精神痛苦的负担,也一定会给内心留下片刻的安宁。悔恨不是滞留着不去,它会再次回来。惊喜令我们快乐。如果我们能够记录下惊喜来临的路线,那么对于快乐将是期待,而不是当它到来时才发现了。没有人作过这样的观察;在人们所有内心世界的日记中,也从来没有出现过这样的周期的开普勒式记录。但是即使坎普滕的托马斯没能测算出它的周期,他也的确发现了这种周期的存在。“除此之外, 夫复何求?万事万物皆由此构成。”带着这种理念他发现,在至深的痛苦中反倒能找到快乐的逗留。快乐的时刻来临时,记忆抑制人的心灵,使迎接快乐之情更强烈,但是预感快乐将无情地消失。“你很少,很少到来。”雪莱叹息道。他叹息的不仅仅是快乐本身,而是快乐的灵魂。为我们服务,快乐可以事先被强迫使用,被调遣,被约束——埃里厄尔可以被分派去做日常工作;但是这样人为的暴行使生活变得没有了节制,而遭受如此强迫的也并非是快乐的灵魂。它在椭圆形、抛物线形或双曲线形的轨道上飞来飞去,没有人知道它与时间有着怎样的约会。
  在非洲和美洲的一些部落,人们发现,他们不崇拜太阳,而是崇拜月亮;大多数部落则两者都崇拜;没有哪支部落两者皆不崇拜。因为太阳的运动规律还有一部分不为人知,而月亮的周期规律却很显著,影响四季。月亮的运转周期决定着潮汐的涨落;她是塞勒涅,是赫斯之母;在降雨稀少的地方,她带来露水来滋润陆地。同地球的其他卫星相比,月亮是度量者。早期的印欧语就是这样称呼月亮的。她的度量的定向便是其阴晴圆缺的象征。恒久不变的定期而至与按期返回,正是她反复无常的原因所在。朱丽叶不接受指月盟誓,但她不知道爱情本身也是有潮汐的——爱的消长是由内心的反复规律所决定的,但是恋人徒劳而无情地归咎于他的爱人外表的某些变化。因为除了非同一般的人之外,其他人是很难有周期意识的。一个人要么对此永远浑然不觉,要么等到认识到了的时候,为时已晚。他之所以很迟才懂得这点,是因为这是一个在证据缺乏基础上的经验的累积。一个人直到他的后半生,才能清晰地懂得这个道理,并因此放弃自己的期望和担忧。年轻人对这一规律的无知,导致了他们接近于绝望的悲痛。成就非凡事业的期望也是如此。人生漫长,潜力无穷。对于对人生的周期循环毫无所知的人来说,这些间隔——愿望与渴望的间隔、行动与行动的间隔——如同睡眠的间隔一样,是不可避免的。对间隔的不可避免与无穷无尽的无知,使得人生对于时运不济的年轻人来说,似乎是不可思议的。他们应该明白,从更微妙的意义上说,人间世事如同潮汐一样有涨有落——如果延伸了莎士比亚的意思——这样做不是胆大妄为之举的话,它应当包含这层意思。快乐从他们的身边离去,走上回家的路;他们的生命也会有月盈月亏,如果明智的话,他们就必须顺从它的规律,知道这一规律能掌控世间的万事万物——太阳的旋转与产妇的阵痛。 txt小说上传分享

■ 心灵小语
  The Rhythm of Life
  Alice Meynell
  If life is not always poetical; it is at least metrical1。 Periodicity roles over the mental experience of man; according to the path of the orbit of his times。 Distances are not gauged; ellipses not measured; velocities not ascertained2; times not known。 Nevertheless; the recurrence is sure。 What the mind suffered last week or last year; it does not suffer now; but it will suffer again next week or next year。 Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind。 Disease is metrical; closing in at shorter and shorter periods towards death; sweeping abroad at longer and longer intervals towards recovery。 Sorrow for one cause was intolerable yesterday; and will be intolerable tomorrow; today it is easy to bear; but the cause has not passed。 Even the burden of a spiritual distress unsolved is bound to leave the heart to a temporary peace; and remorse itself does not remain—it returns。 Gaiety takes us by a dear surprise。 If we had made a course of notes of its visits; we might have been on the watch; and would have had an expectation instead of a discovery。 No one makes such observations; in all the diaries of students of the interior world; there have never e to light the records of the Kepler of such cycles。 But Thomas à Kempis knew of the recurrences; if he did not measure them。 In his cell alone with the elements—“What wouldst thou more than these for out of these were all things made”—he learnt the stay to be found in the depth of the hour of bitterness; and the remembrance that restrains the soul at the ing of the moment of delight; giving it a more conscious wele; but presaging for it an inexorable flight。 And “rarely; rarely est thou;” sighed Shelley; not to Delight merely; but to the Spirit of Delight。 Delight can be pelled beforehand; called; and constrained to our service—Ariel can be bound to a daily task; but such artificial violence throws life out of metre; and it is not the spirit that is thus pelled。 THAT flits upon an orbit elliptically or parabolically or hyperbolically curved; keeping no man knows what trysts with Time。
  It seems fit that Shelley and the author of the IMITATION should both have been keen and simple enough to perceive these flights; and to guess at the order of this periodicity。 Both souls were in close touch with the spirits of their several worlds; and no deliberate human roles; no infractions of the liberty and law of the universal movement; kept from them the knowledge of recurrences。 Eppur simuove。 They knew that presence does not exist without absence; they knew that what is just upon its flight of farewell is already on its long path of return。 They knew that what is approaching to the very touch is hastening towards departure。书 包 网 txt小说上传分享

“O wind;” cried Shelley; in autumn; “O wind; If winter es; can spring be far behind? ”
  They knew that the flux is equal to the reflux; that to interrupt with unlawful recurrences; out of time; is to weaken the impulse of onset and retreat; the sweep and impetus of movement。 To live in constant efforts after an equal life; whether the equality be sought in mental production; or in spiritual sweetness; or in the joy of the senses; is to live without either rest or full activity。 The souls of certain of the saints; being singularly simple and single; have been in the most plete subjection to the law of periodicity。 Ecstasy and desolation visited them by seasons。 They endured; during spaces of vacant time; the interior loss of all for which they had sacrificed the world。 They rejoiced in the uncovenanted beatitude of sweetness alighting in their hearts。 Like them are the poets whom; three times or ten times in the course of a long life; the Muse has approached; touched; and forsaken。 And yet hardly like them; not always so docile; nor so wholly prepared for the departure; the brevity; of the golden and irrevocable hour。 Few poets have fully recognised the metrical absence of their Muse。 For full recognition is expressed in one only way—silence。
  It has been found that several tribes in Africa and in America worship the moon; and not the sun; a great number worship both; but no tribes are known to adore the sun; and not the moon。 For the periodicity of the sun is still in part a secret; but that of the moon is modestly apparent; perpetually influential。 On her depend the tides; and she is Selene; mother of Harsens; bringer of the dews that recurrently irrigate lands where rain is rare。 More than any other panion of earth is she the Measurer。 Early Indo…Germanic languages knew her by that name。 Her metrical phases are the symbol of the order of recurrence。 Constancy in approach and in departure is the reason of her inconstancies。 Juliet will not receive a vow spoken in invocation of the moon; but Juliet did not live to know that love itself has tidal times—lapses and ebbs which are due to the metrical rule of the interior heart; but which the lover vainly and unkindly attributes to some outward alteration in the beloved。 For man—except those elect already named—is hardly aware of periodicity。 The individual man either never learns it fully; or learns it late。 And he learns it so late; because it is a matter of cumulative experience upon which cumulative evidence is lacking。 It is in the after…part of each life that the law is learnt so definitely as to do away with the hope or fear of continuance。 That young sorrow es so near to despair is a result of this young ignorance。 So is the early hope of great achievement。 Life seems so long; and its capacity so great; to one who knows nothing of

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