


世界上最动人的书信(常春藤英语书系)(全新中英文对照版)- 第15部分

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  于瑟雷郡 哈查姆县新十字
  Robert Browning
  New Cross; Hatcham; Surrey。
  (January 10th; 1845)
  Dear Miss Barrett;
  I love your verses with all my heart; dear Miss Barrett; — and this is no offhand plimentary letter that I shall write;—whatever else; no prompt matterofcourse recognition of your genius; and there a graceful and natural end of the thing。

Since the day last week when I first read your poems; I quite laugh to remember how I have been turning and turning again in my mind what I should be able to tell you of their effect upon me; for in the first flush of delight I thought I would this once get out of my habit of purely passive enjoyment; when I do really enjoy; and thoroughly justify my admiration— perhaps even; as a loyal fellowcraftsman should; try and find fault and do you some little good to be proud of hereafter!—but nothing es of it all—so into me has it gone; and part of me has it bee; this great living poetry of yours; not a flower of which but took root and grew—Oh; how different that is from lying to be dried and pressed flat; and prized highly; and put in a book with a proper account at top and bottom; and shut up and put away… and the book called a ‘Flora'; besides!
  After all; I need not give up the thought of doing that; too; in time; because even now; talking with whoever is worthy; I can give a reason for my faith in one and another excellence; the fresh strange music; the affluent language; the exquisite pathos and true new brave thought; but in this addressing myself to you—your ownself; and for the first time; my feeling rises altogether。
  I do; as I say; love these books with my heart and I love you too。 Do you know I was once not very far from seeing—really seeing you? Mr。 Kenyon said to me one morning “Would you like to see Miss Barrett?” then he went to announce me;—then he returned… you were too unwell; and now it is years ago; and I feel as at some untoward passage in my travels; as if I had been close; so close; to some world's—wonder in chapel or crypt; only a screen to push and I might have entered; but there was some slight; so it now seems; slight and just sufficient bar to admission; and the halfopened door shut; and I went home my thousands of miles; and the sight was never to be?
  Well; these Poems were to be; and this true thankful joy and pride with which I feel myself;
  Yours ever faithfully;
  Robert Browning


  Elizabeth Barrett
  50 Wimpole Street:
  Jan。 11; 1845。
  I thank you; dear Mr。 Browning; from the bottom of my heart。 You meant to give me pleasure by your letter—and even if the object had not been answered; I ought still to thank you。 But it is thoroughly answered。 Such a letter from such a hand! Sympathy is dear—very dear to me; but the sympathy of a poet; and of such a poet; is the quintessence of sympathy of me! Will you take back my gratitude for it?—agreeing; too; that of all the merce done in the world; from Tyre to Carthage; the exchange of sympathy for gratitude is the most princely thing!书 包 网 txt小说上传分享

For the rest you draw me on with your kindness。 It is difficult to get rid of people when you once have given them too much pleasure— that is a fact; and we will not stop for the moral of it。 What I was going to say—after a little natural hesitation—is; that if ever you emerge without inconvenient effort from your ‘passive state'; and will tell me of such faults as rise to the surface and strike you as important in my poems; (for of course; I do not think of troubling you with criticism in detail) you will confer a lasting obligation on me; and on which I shall value so much; that I covet it at a distance。
  I do not pretend to any extraordinary meekness under criticism and it is possible enough that I might not be altogether obedient to yours。 But with my high respect for your power in your Art and for your experience as an artist; it would be quite impossible for me to hear a general observation of yours on what appear to you my masterfaults without being the better for it hereafter in some way; I ask for only a sentence or two of general observation—and I do not ask even for that; so as to tease you—but in the humble low voice; which is so excellent a thing in women—particularly when they go a begging!
  The most frequent general criticism I receive; is; I think; upon the style;—“if I would but change my style!” But that is an objection (isn't it?) to the writer bodily? Buffon says; and every sincere writer must feel; that “Le style c'est l'homme”;a fact; however; scarcely calculated to lessen the objection with certain critics。
  Is it indeed true that I was so near to the pleasure and honor of making your acquaintance? and can it be true that you look back upon the lost opportunity with any regret? But—you know—if you had entered the “crypt;” you might have caught cold; or been tired to death; and wished yourself “a thousand miles off”, which would have been worse than traveling them。 It is not my interest; however; to put such thoughts in your head about its being “all for the best”; and I would rather hope (as I do) that what I lost by one chance I may recover by some future one。 Winters shut me up as they do dormouse's eyes; in the spring; we shall see; and I am so much better than I seem turning round to the outward world again。 And in the meantime I have learnt to know your voice; not merely from the poetry but from the kindness in it。 Mr。 Kenyon often speaks of you—dear Mr。 Kenyon!—who most unspeakably; or only speakably with tears in my eyes;—has been my friend and helper; and my book's friend and helper! critic and sympathiser; true friend of all hours! You know him well enough; I think; to understand that I must be grateful to him。
  I am writing too much;—and not withstanding that I am writing too much; I will write of one thing more。 I will say that I am your debtor; not only for this cordial letter and for all the pleasure which came with it; but in other ways; and those the highest: and I will say that while I live to follow this divine art of poetry; in proportion to my love for it and my devotion to

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