


人生之钥- 第6部分

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“This therapist is no good at all;” he plained to me。 “She says my problem is; I’m too selfish。 If I did something to benefit other people; my health would improve dramatically。 That’s a plete contradiction of what I was taught before!”
  “How can I do both?” he exclaimed despairingly。 “Benefit others whilst remaining true to myself? It’s impossible!”
  As I said; he is a troubled soul。
  I can recall being eaten with envy。 It made me feel quite ill。 The object was a girl in my school: blonde; dynamic; with glittering green eyes。 Beyond being beautiful; she was wonderfully self…possessed。 What else could a teenager wish for?
  Her smugness irritated me no end。 She was so radiant; so full of fun; so damned pleased with life。 Everyone adored her; except me and a few others equally afflicted。
  I nearly fainted the day she came to me requesting; would I be her friend? Seemingly sincere; she claimed to be in awe of my prowess in the classroom; where she herself had to struggle。
  Resentment gave way to devotion。 I became her faithful servant sunning myself in her glory; she my loyal supporter boosting my fragile self。 It was a friendship made in heaven; forged for life。
  Sadly; like many flares burning brightly; hers was not made to last。 Shortly after her nineteenth birthday; without warning; she died。
  It struck me then as absurd that; of the two of us; she should be the one who perished; while I was the one who was spared。 I had always regarded her as the one who was privileged; myself as the one deprived。
  I thought of my former envy and realised that; since we don’t know what’s in store for any of us; envy is never justified。
  A friend of mine had been tyrannised by a formidable mother since the day she was born。 She lived under an emotional terror…reign; where guilt was the main offensive weapon。 It seemed she couldn’t blink an eye without causing her mother to be hurt; upset; annoyed; distressed or worse。
  “I can’t take any more;” she told me in despair。 “My whole life is spent apologising to my mother。”
  “It has to stop;” I agreed。 “You are an adult independent woman。 It’s time you told her once and for all that her emotions are her own responsibility。  No one has a right to blame others for what they feel。”
  She heeded my advice。 The message; apparently; was received with ice…cold equanimity。
  Some time later; my friend gave a recital – she is a very talented musician。 Her mother; as usual; attended; and afterwards; with relish; pulled her daughter’s performance to pieces; adding; for good measure; quotes from the audience: scathing; humiliating remarks that she purported to have overheard in the ladies’ room。
  Her sweet; gentle daughter burst into tears。 “Mummy; don’t say any more;” she pleaded。 “Surely you realise how much it hurts。”
  Her mother turned a beady eye on her: “Don’t blame me; dear; for your emotions。 You said it yourself: they are your responsibility。”
  “No;” said my friend; reached by a sudden insight – perhaps the most important one she’d had。  “That rule does not apply when someone hurts you intentionally。”
  I was every bully’s dream。 They were drawn to me like bees to honey。 Such easy game: I must have been irresistible。
  The minute someone wilfully attacked me; verbally or physically; I broke right down; burst into tears: submission; humiliation plete。 Bully’s mission acplished。
  How I hated myself for being so weak! For not being able to stand up for myself。 It left me with a deep sense of shame。
  I was too innocent to know that it isn’t weakness to feel aggrieved as you discover brutality where you expected friendship; duplicity where you had placed your trust; malice where you had felt devotion。
  At a later stage I learnt that this particular despair was not on behalf of my own person。 I felt – still feel – that same lump in my throat whenever faced with human iniquity: tales of tortured kittens; gratuitous violence; documentaries on the Holocaust; reports of current war atrocities。
  However; my lament is not for the victims; whose souls no wanton cruelty can touch; but for those misguided wretches; who deliberately have taken their leave of the only thing worth living for: the only thing that gives life value。
  Rejecting and negating human kindness; they’ve placed themselves beyond its reach。 For them there is no hope; no redemption。
  Now; as my tears fall for them; I am no longer ashamed。

Duality 二重性(1)

Duality 二重性(2)
  One of the best things in life is the offering of good pany: ready laughter; easy camaraderie and; whenever needed; an ear to listen; a shoulder to cry on; a hand to hold。
  True friendship; worth its weight in gold; is easy to define in that it’s perfectly balanced; unaffected by privilege or position; both parties contributing to the best of their ability;and no one ever taking advantage。
  The desire for friendship as an insurance against loneliness and isolation like any basic need makes us vulnerable; open to exploitation by those who use the cloak of friendship to hide a host of less honourable intentions。
  Reasonably harmless are the kind who are friendly only when they stand to gain from it。 Worse are those who; eaten by envy and resentment; raise themselves by lowering another; trample on one who extends a helping hand; gain control exerting insidious pressure; and delight in someone else’s degradation。
  Such people often masquerade as friends; but; really; they are enemies out to destroy: Extremely dangerous – and best avoided。
  So watch out for the signs: beware false friends; whilst at the same time doubling your appreciation of those who prove themselves true。
  I know of a young family。 The woman doesn’t believe in marri

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