


加勒比海之谜(英文版)- 第18部分

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。 But the crimes themselves are all very much alike。 So it seems to me; although I may be quite wrong〃

〃But you don't think you are wrong; do you?〃 Mr。 Rafiel put it shrewdly。

Miss Marple went on without answering。 〃that if that were so and if thisthis person had got things all lined up for a murder out here; for getting rid of another wife; say; and if this is crime three or four; well then; the Major's story would matter because the murderer couldn't afford to have any similarity pointed out。 If you remember; that was exactly the way Smith got caught。 The circumstances of a crime attracted the attention of somebody who pared it with a newspaper clipping of some other case。 So you do see; don't you; that if this wicked person has got a crime planned; arranged; and shortly about to take place; he couldn't afford to let Major Palgrave go about telling this story and showing that snapshot。〃

She stopped and looked appealingly at Mr。 Rafiel。

〃So you see he had to do something very quickly; as quickly as possible。〃

Mr。 Rafiel spoke; 〃In fact; that very same night; eh?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Miss Marple。

〃Quick work;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel; 〃but it could be done。 Put the tablets in old Palgrave's room; spread the blood pressure rumour about and add a little of our fourteen syllable drug to a Planters Punch。 Is that it?〃

〃Yes。 But that's all over。 We needn't worry about it。 It's the future。 It's now。 With Major Palgrave out of the way and the snapshot destroyed; this man will go on with his murder as planned。〃

Mr。 Rafiel whistled。

〃You've got it all worked out; haven't you?〃

Miss Marple nodded。 She said in a most unaccustomed voice; firm and almost dictatorial; 〃And we've got to stop it。 You've got to stop it; Mr。 Rafiel。〃

〃Me?〃 said Mr。 Rafiel; astonished; 〃why me?〃

〃Because you're rich and important;〃 said Miss Marple; simply。 〃People will take notice of what you say or suggest。 They wouldn't listen to me for a moment。 They would say that I was an old lady imagining things。〃

〃They might at that;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃More fools if they did。 I must say; though; that nobody would think you had any brains in your head to hear your usual line of talk。 Actually; you've got a logical mind。 Very few women have。〃 He shifted himself unfortably in his chair。 〃Where the hell's Esther or Jackson?〃 he said。 〃I need resettling。 No; it's no good your doing it。 You're not strong enough。 I don't know what they mean; leaving me alone like this。〃

〃I'll go and find them。〃

''No; you won't。 You'll stay hereand thrash this out。 Which of them is it? The egregious Greg? The quiet Edward Hillingdon or my fellow Jackson? It's got to be one of the three; hasn't it?〃

Chapter 17


〃I don't know;〃 said Miss Marple。

''What do you mean? What have we been talking about for the last twenty minutes?〃

〃It has occurred to me that I may have been wrong。〃

Mr。 Rafiel stared at her。

〃Scatty after all!〃 he said disgustedly。 〃And you sounded so sure of yourself。〃

〃Oh; I am sureabout the murder。 It's the murderer I'm not sure about。 You see I've found out that Major Palgrave had more than one murder storyyou told me yourself he'd told you one about a kind of Lucrezia Bia。〃

〃So he did; at that。 But that was quite a different kind of story。〃

〃I know。 And Mrs。 Walters said he had one about someone being gassed in a gas oven〃

〃But the story he told you〃

Miss Marple allowed herself to interrupta thing that did not often happen to Mr。 Rafiel。

She spoke with desperate earnestness and only moderate incoherence。 〃Don't you seeit's so difficult to be sure。 The whole point is thatso oftenone doesn't listen。 Ask Mrs。 Walters。 She said the same thing。 You listen to begin with; and then your attention flags; your mind wanders and suddenly you find you've missed a bit。 I just wonder if possibly there may have been a gapa very small onebetween the story he was telling meabout a manand the moment when he was getting out his wallet and saying: 'Like to see a picture of a murderer'。〃

〃But you thought it was a picture of the man he had been talking about?〃

〃I thought soyes。 It never occurred to me that it mightn't have been。 But now; how can I be sure?〃

Mr。 Rafiel looked at her very thoughtfully。

〃The trouble with you is〃 he said; 〃that you're too conscientious。 Great mistake。 Make up your mind and don't shilly shally。 You didn't shilly shally to begin with。 If you ask me; in all this chitchat you've been having with the parson's sister and the rest of them; you've got hold of something that's unsettled you。〃

〃Perhaps you're right。〃

〃Well; cut it out for the moment。 Let's go ahead with what you had to begin with。 Because; nine times out of ten; one's original judgements are rightor so I've found。 We've got three suspects。 Let's take 'em out and have a good look at them。 Any preference?〃

〃I really haven't;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃all three of them seem so very unlikely。〃

〃We'll take Greg first;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃Can't stand the fellow。 Doesn't make him a murderer; though。 Still; there are one or two points against him。 Those blood pressure tablets belonged to him。 Nice and handy to make use of。〃

〃That would be a little obvious; wouldn't it?〃 Miss Marple objected。

〃I don't know that it would;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃After all; the main thing was to do something quickly; and he'd got the tablets。 Hadn't much time to go looking round for tablets that somebody else might have。 Let's say it's Greg。 All right。 If he wanted to put his dear wife Lucky out of the way(Good job; too; I'd say。 In fact I'm in sympathy with him)I can't actually see his motive。 From all accounts he's rich。 Inherited money from his first wife who had pots of it。 He qualifies on that as a possible wife murderer all right。 But that's over and done with。 He got away with it。 But Lucky was his first wife's poor relation。 No money there; so if he wants to put her out of the way it must be in order to marry somebody else。 Any gossip going around about that?〃

Miss Marple shook her head。 〃Not that I have heard。 Heerhas a very gallant manner with all the ladies。〃

〃Well; that's a nice; oldfashioned way of putting it;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃All right; he's a stoat。 He makes passes。 Not enough! We want more than that。 Let's go on to Edward Hillingdon。 Now there's a dark horse; if ever there was one。〃

〃He is not; I think; a happy man;〃 offered Miss Marple。

Mr。 Rafiel looked at her thoughtfully。

〃Do you think a murderer ought to be a happy man?〃

Miss Marple coughed。 〃Well; they usually have been in my experience。〃

〃I don't suppose your experience has gone very far;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。

In this assumption; as Miss Marple could have told him; he was wrong。 But she forbore to contest his statement。 Gentlemen; she knew; did not like to be put right in their facts。

〃I rather fancy Hillingdon myself;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃I've an idea that there is something a bit odd going on between him and his wife。 You noticed it at all?〃

〃Oh yes;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃I have noticed it。 Their behaviour is perfect in public; of course; but that one would expect。〃

〃You probably know more about those sort of people than I would;〃 said Mr。 Rafiel。 〃Very well; then; everything is in perfectly good taste but it's a probability that; in a gentlemanly way; Edward Hillingdon is contemplating doing away with Evelyn Hillingdon。 Do you agree?〃

〃If so;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃there must be another woman。〃

〃But what woman?〃

Miss Marple shook her head in a dissatisfied manner。

〃I can't help feelingI really can'tthat it's not all quite as simple as that。〃

〃Well; who shall we consider nextJackson? We leave me out of it。〃

Miss Marple smiled for the first time。

〃And why do we leave you out of it; Mr。 Rafiel?〃

〃Because if you want to discuss the possibilities of my being a murderer you'd have to do it with somebody else。 Waste of time talking about it to me。 And anyway; I ask you; am I cut out for the part? Helpless; hauled out of bed like a dummy; dressed; wheeled about in a chair; shuffled along for a walk。 What earthly chance have I of going and murdering anyone?〃

〃Probably as good a chance as anyone else;〃 said Miss Marple vigorously。

〃And how do you make that out?〃

〃Well; you would agree yourself; I think; that you have brains?〃

〃Of course I've got brains;〃 declared Mr。 Rafiel。 〃A good deal more than anybody else in this munity; I'd say。〃

〃And having brains;〃 went on Miss Marple; 〃would enable you to overe the physical difficulties of being a murderer。〃

〃It would take some doing!〃

〃Yes;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃it would take some doing。 But then; I think; Mr。 Rafiel; you would enjoy that。〃

Mr。 Rafiel stared at her for quite a long time and then he suddenly laughed。

〃You've got a nerve!〃 he said。 〃Not quite the gentle fluffy old lady you look; are you? So you really think I'm a murderer?〃

〃No;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃I do not。〃

〃And why?〃

〃Well; really; I think just because you have got brains。 Having brains; you can get most things you want; without having recourse to murder。 Murder is stupid。〃

〃And anyway who the devil should I want to murder?〃

〃That would be a very interesting question;〃 said Miss Marple。 〃I have not yet had the pleasure of sufficient conversation with you to evolve a theory as to that。〃

Mr。 Rafiel's smile broadened。

〃Conversations with you might be dangerous;〃 he said。

〃Conversations are always dangerous; if you have something to hide;〃 said Miss Marple。

〃You may be right。 Let's get on to Jackson。 What do you think of Jackson?〃

〃It is difficult for me to say。 I have not had the opportunity really of any conversation with him。〃

〃So you've no views on the subject?〃

〃He reminds me a little;〃 said Miss Marple reflectively; 〃of a young man in the Town Clerk's office near where I live; Jonas Parry。〃

〃And?〃 Mr。 Rafiel asked and paused。

〃He was not;〃 said Miss Marple; 〃very satisfactory。〃

〃Jackson's not wholly satisfactory either。 He suits me all right。 He's first class at his job; and he doesn't mind being sworn at。 He knows he's damn well paid and so he puts up with things。 I wouldn't employ him in a position of trust; but I don't have to trust him。 Maybe h

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