“There; isn’t that black and white; now; Miss Vermont?” he said; as he handed it to her。
“Good boy;” said Miss Ophelia; smiling。 “But must it not be witnessed?”
“O; bother!—yes。 Here;” he said; opening the door into Marie’s apartment; “Marie; Cousin wants your autograph; just put your name down here。”
“What’s this?” said Marie; as she ran over the paper。 “Ridiculous! I thought Cousin was too pious for such horrid things;” she added; as she carelessly wrote her name; “but; if she has a fancy for that article; I am sure she’s welcome。”
“There; now; she’s yours; body and soul;” said St。 Clare; handing the paper。
“No more mine now than she was before;” Miss Ophelia。 “Nobody but God has a right to give her to me; but I can protect her now。”
“Well; she’s yours by a fiction of law; then;” said St。 Clare; as he turned back into the parlor; and sat down to his paper。
Miss Ophelia; who seldom sat much in Marie’s company; followed him into the parlor; having first carefully laid away the paper。
“Augustine;” she said; suddenly; as she sat knitting; “have you ever made any provision for your servants; in case of your death?”
“No;” said St。 Clare; as he read on。
“Then all your indulgence to them may prove a great cruelty; by and by。”
St。 Clare had often thought the same thing himself; but he answered; negligently。
“Well; I mean to make a provision; by and by。”
“When?” said Miss Ophelia。
“O; one of these days。”
“What if you should die first?”
“Cousin; what’s the matter?” said St。 Clare; laying down his paper and looking at her。 “Do you think I show symptoms of yellow fever or cholera; that you are making post mortem arrangements with such zeal?”
“‘In the midst of life we are in death;’” said Miss Ophelia。
St。 Clare rose up; and laying the paper down; carelessly; walked to the door that stood open on the verandah; to put an end to a conversation that was not agreeable to him。 Mechanically; he repeated the last word again;—“Death!”—and; as he leaned against the railings; and watched the sparkling water as it rose and fell in the fountain; and; as in a dim and dizzy haze; saw flowers and trees and vases of the courts; he repeated; again the mystic word so common in every mouth; yet of such fearful power;—“DEATH!” “Strange that there should be such a word;” he said; “and such a thing; and we ever forget it; that one should be living; warm and beautiful; full of hopes; desires and wants; one day; and the next be gone; utterly gone; and forever!”
It was a warm; golden evening; and; as he walked to the other end of the verandah; he saw Tom busily intent on his Bible; pointing; as he did so; with his finger to each sucomessive word; and whispering them to himself with an earnest air。
“Want me to read to you; Tom?” said St。 Clare; seating himself carelessly by him。
“If Mas’r pleases;” said Tom; gratefully; “Mas’r makes it so much plainer。”
St。 Clare took the book and glanced at the place; and began reading one of the passages which Tom had designated by the heavy marks around it。 It ran as follows:
“When the Son of man shall come in his glory; and all his holy angels with him; then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations; and he shall separate them one from another; as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats。” St。 Clare read on in an animated voice; till he came to the last of the verses。
“Then shall the king say unto him on his left hand; Depart from me; ye cursed; into everlasting fire: for I was an hungered; and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty; and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger; an ye took me not in: naked; and ye clothed me not: I was sick; and in prison; and ye visited me not。 Then shall they answer unto Him; Lord when saw we thee an hungered; or athirst; or a stranger; or naked; or sick; or in prison; and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he say unto them; Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these my brethren; ye did it not to me。”
St。 Clare seemed struck with this last passage; for he read it twice;—the second time slowly; and as if he were revolving the words in his mind。
“Tom;” he said; “these folks that get such hard measure seem to have been doing just what I have;—living good; easy; respectable lives; and not troubling themselves to inquire how many of their brethren were hungry or athirst; or sick; or in prison。”
Tom did not answer。
St。 Clare rose up and walked thoughtfully up and down the verandah; seeming to forget everything in his own thoughts; so absorbed was he; that Tom had to remind him twice that the teabell had rung; before he could get his attention。
St。 Clare was absent and thoughtful; all tea…time。 After tea; he and Marie and Miss Ophelia took possession of the parlor almost in silence。
Marie disposed herself on a lounge; under a silken mosquito curtain; and was soon sound asleep。 Miss Ophelia silently busied herself with her knitting。 St。 Clare sat down to the piano; and began playing a soft and melancholy movement with the ?olian acomompaniment。 He seemed in a deep reverie; and to be soliloquizing to himself by music。 After a little; he opened one of the drawers; took out an old music…book whose leaves were yellow with age; and began turning it over。
“There;” he said to Miss Ophelia; “this was one of my mother’s books;—and here is her handwriting;—come and look at it。 She copied and arranged this from Mozart’s Requiem。” Miss Ophelia came acomordingly。
“It was something she used to sing often;” said St。 Clare。 “I think I can hear her now。”
He struck a few majestic chords; and began singing that grand old Latin piece; the “Dies Irae。”
Tom; who was listening in the outer verandah; was drawn by the sound to the very door; where he stood earnestly。 He did not understand the words; of course; but the music and manner of singing appeared to affect him strongly; especially when St。 Clare sang the more pathetic parts。 Tom would have sympathized more heartily; if he had known the meaning of the beautiful words:
Recordare Jesu pie
Quod sum causa tuar viae
Ne me perdas; illa die
Querens me sedisti lassus
Redemisti crucem passus
Tantus laor non sit cassus。1
St。 Clare threw a deep and pathetic expression into the words; for the shadowy veil of years seemed drawn away; and he seemed to hear his mother’s voice leading his。 Voice and instrument seemed both living; and threw out with vivid sympathy those strains which the ethereal Mozart first conceived as his own dying requiem。
When St。 Clare had done singing; he sat leaning his head upon his hand a few moments; and then began walking up and down the floor。
“What a sublime conception is that of a last judgment!” said he;—“a righting of all the wrongs of ages!—a solving of all moral problems; by an unanswerable wisdom! It is; indeed; a wonderful image。”
“It is a fearful one to us;” said Miss Ophelia。
“It ought to be to me; I suppose;” said St。 Clare stopping; thoughtfully。 “I was reading to Tom; this afternoon; that chapter in Matthew that gives an acomount of it; and I have been quite struck with it。 One should have expected some terrible enormities charged to those who are excluded from Heaven; as the reason; but no;—they are condemned for not doing positive good; as if that included every possible harm。”
“Perhaps;” said Miss Ophelia; “it is impossible for a person who does no good not to do harm。”
“And what;” said St。 Clare; speaking abstractedly; but with deep feeling; “what shall be said of one whose own heart; whose education; and the wants of society; have called in vain to some noble purpose; who has floated on; a dreamy; neutral spectator of the struggles; agonies; and wrongs of man; when he should have been a worker?”
“I should say;” said Miss Ophelia; “that he ought to repent; and begin now。”
“Always practical and to the point!” said St。 Clare; his face breaking out into a smile。 “You never leave me any time for general reflections; Cousin; you always bring me short up against the actual present; you have a kind of eternal now; always in your mind。”
“Now is all the time I have anything to do with;” said Miss Ophelia。
“Dear little Eva;—poor child!” said St。 Clare; “she had set her little simple soul on a good work for me。”
It was the first time since Eva’s death that he had ever said as many words as these to her; and he spoke now evidently repressing very strong feeling。
“My view of Christianity is such;” he added; “that I think no man can consistently profess it without throwing the whole weight of his being against this monstrous system of injustice that lies at the foundation of all our society; and; if need be; sacrificing himself in the battle。 That is; I mean that I could not be a Christian otherwise; though I have certainly had intercourse with a great many enlightened and Christian people who did no such thing; and I confess that the apathy of religious people on this subject; their want of perception of wrongs that filled me with horror; have engendered in me more scepticism than any other thing。”
“If you knew all this;” said Miss Ophelia; “why didn’t you do it?”
“O; because I have had only that kind of benevolence which consists in lying on a sofa; and cursing the church and clergy for not being martyrs and confessors。 One can see; you know; very easily; how others ought to be martyrs。”
“Well; are you going to do differently now?” said Miss Ophelia。
“God only knows the future;” said St。 Clare。 “I am braver than I was; because I have lost all; and he who has nothing to lose can afford all risks。”
“And what are you going to do?”
“My duty; I hope; to the poor and lowly; as fast as I find it out;” said St。 Clare; “beginning with my own servants; for whom I have yet done nothing; and; perhaps; at some future day; it may appear that I can do something for a whole class; something to save my country from the disgrace of that false position in which she now stands before all civilized nations。”
“Do you suppose it possible that a nation ever will voluntarily emancipate?” said Miss Ophelia。
“I don’t know;” said St。 Clare。 “This is a day of great deeds。 Heroism and disinterestedness are rising