he mastery of details; minute by minute; hou r by hour; day by day。there is no royal roads to learning through an airy path o f brilliant generalizations。there is a proverb about the difficulty of seeing th e wood because of the trees。 that difficulty is exatly the point which i am enfo rcing。 the problem of education is to make the pupil see the wood by means of th e trees。
again; there is not one course of study which merely gives general culture; and another which gives special knowledge。 the subjects pursued for the sake of a general education are special subjects specially studied; and; on the other ha nd; one of the ways of encouraging general mental activity is to foster a specia l devotion。 you may not divide the seamless coat of learning。 what education has to impart is an intimate sense for the power of ideas; for the beauty of ideas; and for the structure of ideas together with a particular body of knowledge whi ch has peculiar reference to the life of the being possessing it。
the appreciation of the structure of ideas is that side of a cultured mind w hich can only grow under the influence of a special study。 i mean that eye for t he whole chessboard; for the bearing of one set of ideas on another。nothing bu t a special study can give any appreciation for the exact formulation of general ideas; for their relations when formulated; for their service in the comprehens ion of life。 a mind so disciplined should be both more abstract and more concret e。 it has been trained in the comprehension of abstract thought and in the analy sis of facts。
乔治。吉辛(1857—1903),英国小说家与散文作者。出身寒苦,1880年后开始靠教书 为生,同时为出版家编校稿件和撰写小说。自此时起一生所著小说不下十六七部,此外尚有 散文游记与评论多种。
今天我读了《暴风雨》……在我因生于英国而自豪的理由中,有一个就是我能以我的母 语来阅读莎士比亚的著作。我曾设想,如果我对于他是相识不能相见,声音在远处只是依稀 可辨,又要经过冥思苦想才能明白他的话语的真正含义,那我一定会饮誉受挫;若有所失了 。我一向自以为能读荷马,并且深信自己有欣赏荷马的能力,但是我曾梦想过荷马已把他的 全部音乐知识传授于我。对我来说,他的言语如同古希腊当时漫步于海滨的人们一样深沉。 我深知,经过岁月的洗涤;最终我能获得的只不过是一点微弱的回声罢了。我深知;这个回声 会变得更加脆弱;若不是因为它和青春的记忆相连;闪烁着世界古代全盛时期的容光,愿每块 土地都能愉悦它的诗人。因为诗人就是这块土地,体现着她的伟大与芳馨;是人们为之生死 的不可言传的遗产。当我合拢书卷的时候,一种爱慕与崇敬的感情深深地支配着我。我的满 腔热诚都给予了这位伟人的法术,还是倾倒在被他撒下魅力的仙岛上了呢。我不清楚。在我 的意识中我已不能将它们分开。崇高的声音唤起了爱慕与崇敬的情感,莎士比亚与英吉利已 经成为一体。
shakespeare's island
george gissing
today i have read the tempest …among the many reasons which make me glad to have been born in england; one of the first is that i read shakespeare in my mother tongue。 if i try to imagine myself as ono who cannot know him face to fac e; who hears him only speaking from afar; and that in acoments which only through the labouring intelligence can touch the living soul; there comes upon me a sen se of chill discouragement; of dreary deprivation。 i am wont to think that i can read homer; and; assuredly; if any man enjoys him; it is i; but can i for a mom ent dream that homer yields me all his music; that his word is to me as to him w ho walked by the hellenic shore when hellas lived。 i know that there reaches me across the vast of time no more than a faint and broken echo;i know that it woul d be fainter still; but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the world's primeval glory。 let every land have joy of its poet; for the poet is the land itself; all its greatness and its sweetness; all that incommunicable heritage for which men live and die。 as i close the book; love an d reverence possess me。 whether does my full heart turn to the great enchanter; or to the island upon which he has laid his spell。 i know not。 i cannot think of them apart。 in the love and reverence awakened by that voice of voices;shakespe are and england are but one。
词汇的严格意义不在词汇本身,而在词汇的应用。一个单词可能音节嘹亮,字母很多, 单就它的学术价值和新奇感来说,可能是令人叹赏的,然而把它放在具体的语境中,也可能 毫无意义。不是依靠词汇的华丽和夸张;而是对作者主题的贴切适用;才能表达作者的写作意 图。正如在建筑中,不必在意材料的大小和光泽,只要它们用在那里砌合得完整严实;就能 牢固地支撑拱门。又或是在建筑物中,木楔和钉子的支撑作用有时竟与大件木料同等重要, 它的作用远远胜过那些徒有其表、不切实用的装饰部件。我讨厌那些白占地方的东西,讨厌 满载一大堆空纸盒的车招摇过市,也讨厌堆砌那些大而无实际内容的词汇。一个人写文章, 只要他不是故意用重重锦绣帐幔、多余伪装完全遮掩自己的写作意图,他总会从熟悉的日常 用语中想出一二十种说法,这种语言更接近他所要表达的情感,最后,他就会因为不知道挑 选哪一种说法能更好地表达自己而发愁!这样看来,考拜特先生所谓的第一印象就是最好的 说法未必可靠。这样出现的字眼也许很好,可是经过一次次推敲,就会发现更好的字眼。这 种字眼,也许来源于自然的暗示,但经过对主题清新活泼的观念思维,会自然而然地想到。
suit is best
william hazlitt
the proper force of words lies not in the words themselves; but in their app lication。 a word may be a fine sounding word; of an unusual length; and very imp osing from its learning and novelty; and yet in the connection in which it is in troduced may be quite pointless and irrelevant; it is not pomp or pretension; bu t the adaptation of the expression to the idea; that clenches a writer's meaning : as it is not the size or glossiness of the materials; but their being fitted e ach to its place; that gives strength to the arch; or as the pegs and nails are as necessary to the support of the building as the larger timbers; and more so t han the mere showy; unsubstantial ornaments。 i hate anything that ocomupies more space than it is worth。 i hate to see a load of bandboxes go along the street; a nd i hate to see a parcel of big words without anything in them。 a person who de ws not deliberately dimples of all his thoughts alike in cumbrous draperies and flimsy disguises may strike out twenty varieties of familiar everyday language; each coming somewhat nearer to the feeling he wants to convey; and at last not h it upon that particular and only one which may be said to be identical with the exact impression in his mind。 this would seem to show that mr。 cobalt is hardly right in saying that the first word that ocomurs is always the best。 it may be a very good one; and yet a better may present itself on reflection or from time to time。 it may be suggested naturally; however; and spontaneously; from a fresh a nd lively conception of the subject。
第1卷 第二章
书 友
塞缪尔。斯迈尔斯(1812—1904),英国传记作家与青少年道德修养书籍作者。他所写的 《品格的力量》、《自励》等书都是人们争相传颂的经典。
与什么书为伴;就像与什么人为伴一样;都能体现一个人的品格。有以人为伴的;也有以 书为伴的。无论是书友或朋友,我们都应该慎重选择;与佳为伴。
好书犹如知己。不管过去;现在,还是将来;它都始终如一。它是最有耐心、最令人愉快 的伴侣。困难之际;它也不离不弃。它总是以友善相待;在我们年轻时,好书能陶冶『性』情,增 长知识;到我们年老时,它又会给我们以宽慰。
好书可以使人结为朋友,就像两个人会因为敬慕同一个人而交为朋友一样。古谚说:“ 爱屋及乌”,但是,“爱我及书”这句话却有更深的哲理。书是更为牢固和真实的情谊纽带 。假如拥有共同喜爱的作家;人们可以借此沟通思想感情。他们可以由此和作者产生共鸣。
哈兹利特曾经说过:“书潜移默化人们的内心,诗歌熏陶人们的气质品『性』。少小所习, 老大不忘,恍如身历其事。书籍价廉物美,不啻我们呼吸的空气。”
好书犹如珍藏人一生思想精华的工具。人生的境界,主要就在于他思想的境界。所以, 好书保藏着优美的语言,深邃的思想,倘若能铭记于心,就成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰 藉。菲利普。悉尼爵士说得好:“有高尚思想做伴的人永不孤独。”
当我们面临诱『惑』的时候,虔诚而公正的信念就像仁慈的天使,保卫我们的灵魂;使她依 旧纯洁。这同样孕育着行为的冲动,往往成为善行的先导。
书籍的品质是不朽的,是人类勤奋努力的最为持久的结晶。寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂, 而书却经久长存。在伟大的思想面前,时间显得微不足道。多少年前曾经感动作者的思想今 天依然清新如故。书籍记载了他们的言论和思想,现在看来依旧生动。时间惟一的作用是淘 汰垃圾作品,只有真正的作品才能经受时间的检验而经久长存。
书籍引导我们进入主流社会,与历代伟人为伍,使我们如闻其声,如观其行,如见其人 ;如与他们朝夕相处;同欢喜;共伤悲。我们继承他们的感受,好似觉得在他们所描绘的舞台 上跟他们同台献艺了。
伟大杰出的人物在这世间也不会消逝,书籍记载他们的思想;然后传播开来。书是人们 至今仍在聆听的思想回声,永远充满着活力。因此,我们永远都在受着历代伟人的影响。多 少年前的盖世英才,就如同在他所生活的时代,今天依旧显示着强大的生命力。
companionship of books
samuel smiles
a man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company h e keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company; whether it be of books or of men。
a good book may be among the best of friends。 it is the same today that it a lways was; and it will never change。 it is the most patient and cheerful of comp anions。 it does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress。 it always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth; and comforting and consoling us in age。
men often discover their affinity to each other by the love they have each f or a book — just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration w hich both have for a third。 there is an old proverb;“love me; love my dog。” bu t there is more wisdom in this:“love me; love my book。” the book is a truer an d higher bond of union。 men can think; feel; and sympathize with each other thro ugh their favorite author。 they live in him together; and he in them。
“books;” said hazlitt; “wind into the heart; the poet's verse slides in t he current of our blood。 we read them when young; we remember them when old。 we feel that it has happened to ourselves。 they are to be had very cheap and good。 we breathe but the air of books。”
a good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life co uld