风 格
瓦尔特。罗利(1861—1922)近代英国文学批评家、作家,曾就读于伦敦大学与剑桥皇 家学院,后从事教学与写作,是一位才情超群的文学批评家。本文节选自其名作《style》 。
style这个在拉丁语中原义为“铁笔”的名词,久已被用来作为驾驭语言这种流动事物 的艺术,而这种驾驭是具有日益蓬勃的生机和审慎的矫健『性』的。显而易见的是,凭借譬喻手 段(譬喻仍不失为文学方法的一种概括),使本来最刻板最简单的工具竟能把它的名字假借给 艺术中最精致灵活的艺术。以这为起点,这个名称又被广泛地应用到文学以外的其他艺术, 应用到人类全部活动范围。我们使用style一词来谈论建筑、雕刻、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、歌 剧、板球,我们使用这个词来叙述人与兽的肢体上的那种自然遒劲的动作这一事实,正是我 们对文学功能的一种最崇高的不自觉的礼赞。笔,这种吮蜡濡纸的工具,已经成为人『性』中所 有富于表现力的、所有亲切的事物的象征。不但武力与技艺向它屈服,人类自身也向它屈服 。人的声音,它的起伏高低,并辅之以活跃的面部表情与体态姿势上的千变万化,都势所必 然地要借助于这同一譬喻:演说家与演员也都渴望得到风格方面的鉴赏。“再真实不过的就 是”,正如《悲哀的解剖》的作者所写到的,“stuylus virum arguit,我们的风格暴『露』了 我们自己”。其他姿态都可以是变动不定,了无痕迹的,风格却是『性』格的最终极最经久的表 『露』。演员与演说家不得不在不能历久的材料上来求得短暂的效果;他们的业绩与身俱亡。雕 刻家与建筑师所经营的材料虽较为耐久,但却又『操』持困难,冥顽不灵,不容易承受心灵状态 的各种印记。所有的道德、哲理与美学、情态与信念、主义与幻想、热情及表白等等——所 有这一切,除文学以外,又有哪一种艺术足以把它们涵摄无遗,而又能避免其突然消亡的危 险。又有其他哪一种艺术能够对在习『性』上如此纷纭,趣味上如此歧异的人们,赋予其以充分 发挥的余地。事实上,不论欧几里德与雪莱,埃德蒙。斯宾塞与赫伯特。斯宾塞,大卫王与 大卫。休谟,他们都是语言文字这门艺术的追逐者。
一切风格都是姿态,心智的姿态与灵魂的姿态。心智是我们所共有的,因为正确理『性』的 规律对于不同的心智并没有什么不同。因此清晰与条理是可以通过施以教诲得到,而表达技 巧上的极端无能也可以部分地得到矫正。但是又有谁能对灵魂强行制定规律呢,一个最常见 的现象是,人们尽管可以并不喜爱甚至厌恶某一特殊风格,而同时却又对它的纯熟、气势以 及这种风格与其内容的贴切一致由衷钦佩。弥尔顿以其文风论,是一位比莎士比亚更为简洁 朴实和精确无误的大师,但却未必具有这样可爱的『性』格。当一个人本身价值非凡时,作为其 标志的风格的价值也不会太小。人们常说:“开口吧,我就能认识你”——声音所表示的要 比面庞更为深刻。动笔吧,只要你对手中的工具已有几分掌握,你就会把你自己摹写下来, 不论你愿意与否。不管你如何没意识到的缺点,不管你如何想隐瞒的优点,在你『性』格中的不 论是卑劣或宽厚,没有一项是不会在文字上表现出来的。你虽早知道有最后审判日的到来, 却仍不免要对那职掌记录的天使提供材料。文学中的批评艺术虽然经常受到贬低,而在艺术 中处于卑微地位,但却恰恰是判辨与解释这些书面证据的一门艺术。人们常把批评和创造对 立起来,这也可能是由于批评所试图进行的那种创造还成效不大,于是世人遂忘记,批评的 首要职务并不是去制定条律,也不是去做分类,而是去起死回生。墓『穴』在它的指挥之下,可 把沉睡的人唤醒过来,打开墓门,令其悉数逸出。正是依靠这种艺术的创造力量,才有可能 从先人遗留的残缺不全、字迹模糊的故纸堆中按原样再造出当年的活人来。
walter raleigh
style; the latin name for an iron pen; has come to designate the art that ha ndles; with ever fresh vitality and wary alacrity; the fluid elements of speech。 by a figure; obvious enough; which yet might serve for an epitome of literary m ethod; the most rigid and simplest of instruments has lent its name to the subtl est and most flexible of arts。 thence the application of the word has been exten ded to arts other than literature; to the whole range of the activities of man。 the fact that we use the word “style〃 in speaking of architecture and sculpture ; painting and music; dancing; playacting; and cricket; that we can apply it t o the spontaneous animal movements of the limbs of man or beast; is the noblest of unconscious tributes to the faculty of letters。 the pen; scratching on wax or paper; has become the symbol of all that is expressive; all that is intimate; i n human nature; not only arms and arts; but man himself; has yielded to it。 his living voice; with its undulations and inflexions; assisted by the mobile play o f feature and an infinite variety of bodily gesture; is driven to borrow dignity from the same metaphor; the orator and the actor are fain to be judged by style 。“it is most true〃; says the author of the anatomy of melancholy,“stylus viru m arguit; our style bewrays us。〃 other gestures shift and change and flit; this is the ultimate and enduring revelation of personality。 the actor and the orator are condemned to work evanescent effects on transitory material; the dust that they write on is blown about their graves。 the sculptor and the architect deal i n less perishable ware; but the stuff is recalcitrant and stubborn; and will not take the impress of all states of the soul。 morals; philosophy; and aesthetic; mood and conviction; creed and whim; habit; passion; and demonstration — what a rt but the art of literature admits the entrance of all these; and guards them f rom the suddenness of mortality。 what other art gives scope to natures and dispo sitions so diverse; and to tastes so contrarious。 euclid and shelley; edmund spe nser and herbert spencer; king david and david hume; are all followers of the ar t of letters。
all style is gesture; the gesture of the mind and of the soul。 mind we have in common; inasmuch as the laws of right reason are not different for different minds。 therefore clearness and arrangement can be taught; sheer incompetence in the art of expression can be partly remedied。 but who shall impose laws upon the soul。 it is thus of common note that one may dislike or even hate a particular style while admiring its facility; its strength; its skilful adaptation to the m atter set forth。 milton; a chaster and mote unerring master of the art than shak espeare; reveals no such lovable personality。 while persons count for much; styl e; the index to persons; can never count for little。 “speak;〃 it has been said; “that i may know you〃 — voicegesture is more than feature。 write; and after you have attained to some control over the instrument; you write yourself down whether you will or no。 there is no vice; however unconscious; no virtue; howeve r shy; no touch of meanness or of generosity in your character; that will not pa ss on to the paper。 you anticipate the day of judgment and furnish the recording angel with material。 the art of criticism in literature; so often decried and g iven a subordinate place among the arts; is none other than the art of reading a nd interpreting these written evidences。 criticism has been popularly opposed to creation; perhaps because the kind of creation that it attempts is rarely achie ved; and so the world forgets that the main business of criticism; after all; is not to legislate; nor to classify; but to raise the dead。 graves; at its comman d; have waked their sleepers; oped; and let them forth。 it is by the creative po wer of this art that the living man is reconstructed from the litter of blurred and fragmentary paper documents that he has left to posterity。
绘画,或者说一般的艺术本身,尽管它们技巧高妙、困难重重、目标独特,其实也不过 是一种高贵而富于表现力的语言,和思想的载体一样,非常宝贵,不过它们自身毫无价值。 一个人要想学会通常所说的绘画艺术,也就是忠实地再现任何客观物体的艺术,也不过是学 会了表达思想的语言。为了成为受人尊敬的大师,他付出了艰辛的努力,但这种努力跟某个 学会用合乎语法、音调悦耳的文字表达情意的人想成为伟大诗人所付出的努力是一样的。这 种语言的确比那种语言难学,当它诉诸智力时,也更能使人的感官感到愉悦。然而,它仅仅 是语言,画家认为独特的各种优点,也就相当于诗人和演说家语言具有的节奏、旋律、精密 和力量,这些只是他们伟大的必要条件,而不是检验他们是否伟大的标准。不管是画家还是 作家,他的伟大与否,最终不是看他表现与写作的方式,而是看他表现与写作的内容。
所以,如果我说最伟大的画,就是能向看画人的大脑传达最多伟大思想的画,那么,我 这个定义就包括了艺术所能传达的作为比较对象的全部乐趣。相反,如果我说最好的画就是 模仿自然模仿得最『逼』真的画,我是在假定艺术只有模仿自然才能给人愉悦,我批评时就会抛 开那些不是模仿的艺术作品,即具有自身『色』彩美和形式美的作品,以及像拉斐尔在梵蒂冈宫 给绘制的壁画那样毫无模仿的一切艺术作品。现在,我想找个很广的艺术定义,囊括目标各 异的所有艺术种类。因此,我不说给人愉悦最多的艺术最伟大,因为也许某种艺术目的在于 教育,不在于给人以愉悦。我不说教给我们知识最多的艺术最伟大,因为也许某种艺术目的 在于给人愉悦,不在于教育。我不说模仿最佳的艺术最伟大,因为也许某种艺术目的在于创 造而不在于模仿。但我要说,无论采用何种方式,只要是向观众大脑传达最丰富最伟大的思 想的艺术,就是最伟大的艺术;我所说的伟大思想是指它能够为心智较高的人所接受,它能 更彻底地占有并在占有过程中锻炼和提高接受它的心智。
如果说这就是伟大艺术的定义,那么,伟大艺术家的定义自然就是这样的:最伟大的艺 术家就是其全部作品表现了最丰富最伟大的思想的艺术家。
a definition of greatness in art
john ruskin
painting; or art generally; as such; with all its technicalities; difficulti es; and particular ends; is nothing but a noble and expressive language; invalua ble as the vehicle of thought; but by itself nothing。 he who has learned what is commonly considered the whole art of painting; that is; the art of representing any natural object faithfully; has as yet only learned the language by which hi s thoughts are to be expressed。 he has done just as much towards being that whic h we ought to respect as a great painter; as a man who has learnt how to express himself grammatically and melodiously has towards being a great poet。 the langu age is; indeed; more difficult of acquirement in the one case than in the other; and possesses more power of delighting the sense; while it speaks to the intell ect; but it is; nevertheless; nothing more than language; and all those excellen ces which are peculiar to the painter as such; are merely what rhythm; melody; p recision; and force are in the words of the orator and the poet; necessary to th eir greatness; but not the tests of their greatness。 it is not by the mode of re presenting and saying; but by what is represented and said; that the respective greatness either of the painter or the writer is to be finally determined。
so that; if i say that the greatest picture is that which conveys to the min d of the spectator
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