《爱情2003系列-情歌系列短篇 by夜吟》



爱情2003系列-情歌系列短篇 by夜吟- 第6部分

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I was standing 

All alone against the world outside 

You were searching 

For a place to hide 


Lost and lonely 

Now you've given me the will to survive 

When we're hungry。。。love will keep us alive 


Don't you worry 

Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride 

The world is changing 

Right before your eyes 

Now I've found you 

There's no more emptiness inside 

When we're hungry。。。love will keep us alive 


I would die for you 

Climb the highest mountain 

Baby; there's nothing I wouldn't do 


Now I've found you 

There's no more emptiness inside 

When we're hungry。。。love will keep us alive 


I would die for you 

Climb the highest mountain 

Baby; there's nothing I wouldn't do》》》 


I was standing 

All alone against the worl〃d〃 outside 

You were searching 

For a place to hide 

Lost and lonely 

Now you've given me the will to survive 

When we're hungry。。。love will keep us alive 

When we're hungry。。。love will keep us alive 

When we're hungry。。。love will keep us alive 

演唱: Eagles 





   《爱情2003系列…情歌系列短篇》by:夜吟  '轻轻一跃'  50K  10…22 23:17  12    

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