“Responsible;” I repeated scathingly; rolling my eyes。 “Right。 So; what about Jacob?”
The careless question repeated inside my head; anything but trivial。 What about Jacob? What was I
going to do about him? My former best friend who was now 。 。 。 what? My enemy? I cringed。
Charlie’s face was suddenly wary。 “Don’t get mad at me; okay?”
“Well; it’s about Edward; too。”
My eyes narrowed。
Charlie’s voice got gruffer。 “I let him in the house; don’t I?”
“You do;” I admitted。 “For brief periods of time。 Of course; you might let me out of the house for brief
periods now and then; too;” I continued — only jokingly; I knew I was on lockdown for the duration of the
school year。 “I’ve been pretty good lately。”
“Well; that’s kind of where I was heading with this。 。 。 。” And then Charlie’s face stretched into an
unexpected eyecrinkling grin; for a second he looked twenty years younger。
I saw a dim glimmer of possibility in that smile; but I proceeded slowly。 “I’m confused; Dad。 Are we
talking about Jacob; or Edward; or me being grounded?”
The grin flashed again。 “Sort of all three。”
“And how do they relate?” I asked; cautious。
“Okay。” He sighed; raising his hands as if in surrender。 “So I’m thinking maybe you deserve a parole for
good behavior。 For a teenager; you’re amazingly nonwhiney。”
My voice and eyebrows shot up。 “Seriously? I’m free?”
Where was this ing from? I’d been positive I would be under house arrest until I actually moved out;
and Edward hadn’t picked up any wavering in Charlie’s thoughts。 。 。 。
Charlie held up one finger。 “Conditionally。”
The enthusiasm vanished。 “Fantastic;” I groaned。
“Bella; this is more of a request than a demand; okay? You’re free。 But I’m hoping you’ll use that freedom
。 。 。 judiciously。”
“What does that mean?”
He sighed again。 “I know you’re satisfied to spend all of your time with Edward —”
“I spend time with Alice; too;” I interjected。 Edward’s sister had no hours of visitation; she came and went
as she pleased。 Charlie was putty in her capable hands。
“That’s true;” he said。 “But you have other friends besides the Cullens; Bella。 Or you used to。”
We stared at each other for a long moment。
“When was the last time you spoke to Angela Weber?” he threw at me。
“Friday at lunch;” I answered immediately。
Before Edward’s return; my school friends had polarized into two groups。 I liked to think of those groups
as good vs。 evil。 Us and them worked; too。 The good guys were Angela; her steady boyfriend Ben Cheney;
and Mike Newton; these three had all very generously forgiven me for going crazy when Edward left。 Lauren
Mallory was the evil core of the them side; and almost everyone else; including my first friend in Forks;
Jessica Stanley; seemed content to go along with her antiBella agenda。
With Edward back at school; the dividing line had bee even more distinct。
Edward’s return had taken its toll on Mike’s friendship; but Angela was unswervingly loyal; and Ben
followed her lead。 Despite the natural aversion most humans felt toward the Cullens; Angela sat dutifully
beside Alice every day at lunch。 After a few weeks; Angela even looked fortable there。 It was difficult not
to be charmed by the Cullens — once one gave them the chance to be charming。
“Outside of school?” Charlie asked; calling my attention back。
“I haven’t seen anyone outside of school; Dad。 Grounded; remember? And Angela has a boyfriend; too。
She’s always with Ben。 If I’m really free;” I added; heavy on the skepticism; “maybe we could double。”
“Okay。 But then 。 。 。” He hesitated。 “You and Jake used to be joined at the hip; and now —”
I cut him off。 “Can you get to the point; Dad? What’s your condition — exactly?”
“I don’t think you should dump all your other friends for your boyfriend; Bella;” he said in a stern voice。
“It’s not nice; and I think your life would be better balanced if you kept some other people in it。 What
happened last September 。 。 。”
I flinched。
“Well;” he said defensively。 “If you’d had more of a life outside of Edward Cullen; it might not have been
like that。”
“It would have been exactly like that;” I muttered。
“Maybe; maybe not。”
“The point?” I reminded him。
“Use your new freedom to see your other friends; too。 Keep it balanced。”
I nodded slowly。 “Balance is good。 Do I have specific time quotas to fill; though?”
He made a face; but shook his head。 “I don’t want to make this plicated。 Just don’t forget your
friends 。 。 。”
It was a dilemma I was already struggling with。 My friends。 People who; for their own safety; I would
never be able to see again after graduation。
So what was the better course of action? Spend time with them while I could? Or start the separation now
to make it more gradual? I quailed at the idea of the second option。
“。 。 。 particularly Jacob;” Charlie added before I could think things through more than that。
A greater dilemma than the first。 It took me a moment to find the right words。 “Jacob might be 。 。 。
“The Blacks are practically family; Bella;” he said; stern and fatherly again。 “And Jacob has been a very;
very good friend to you。”
“I know that。”
“Don’t you miss him at all?” Charlie asked; frustrated。
My throat suddenly felt swollen; I had to clear it twice before I answered。 “Yes; I do miss him;” I
admitted; still looking down。 “I miss him a lot。”
“Then why is it difficult?”
It wasn’t something I was at liberty to explain。 It was against the rules for normal people — human
people like me and Charlie — to know about the clandestine world full of myths and monsters that existed
secretly around us。 I knew all about that world — and I was in no small amount of trouble as a result。 I wasn’t
about to get Charlie in the same trouble。
“With Jacob there is a 。 。 。 conflict;” I said slowly。 “A conflict about the friendship thing; I mean。
Friendship doesn’t always seem to be enough for Jake。” I wound my excuse out of details that were true but
insignificant; hardly crucial pared to the fact that Jacob’s werewolf pack bitterly hated Edward’s vampire
family — and therefore me; too; as I fully intended to join that family。 It just wasn’t something I could work
out with him in a note; and he wouldn’t answer my calls。 But my plan to deal with the werewolf in person had
definitely not gone over well with the vampires。
“Isn’t Edward up for a little healthy petition?” Charlie’s voice was sarcastic now。
I leveled a dark look at him。 “There’s no petition。”
“You’re hurting Jake’s feelings; avoiding him like this。 He’d rather be just friends than nothing。”
Oh; now I was avoiding him?
“I’m pretty sure Jake doesn’t want to be friends at all。” The words burned in my mouth。 “Where’d you get
that idea; anyway?”
Charlie looked embarrassed now。 “The subject might have e up today with Billy。 。 。 。”
“You and Billy gossip like old women;” I plained; stabbing my fork viciously into the congealed
spaghetti on my plate。
“Billy’s worried about Jacob;” Charlie said。 “Jake’s having a hard time right now。 。 。 。 He’s depressed。”
I winced; but kept my eyes on the blob。
“And then you were always so happy after spending the day with Jake。” Charlie sighed。
“I’m happy now;” I growled fiercely through my teeth。
The contrast between my words and tone broke through the tension。 Charlie burst into laughter; and I had
to join in。
“Okay; okay;” I agreed。 “Balance。”
“And Jacob;” he insisted。
“I’ll try。”
“Good。 Find that balance; Bella。 And; oh; yeah; you’ve got some mail;” Charlie said; closing the subject
with no attempt at subtlety。 “It’s by the stove。”
I didn’t move; my thoughts twisting into snarls around Jacob’s name。 It was most likely junk mail; I’d just
gotten a package from my mom yesterday and I wasn’t expecting anything else。
Charlie shoved his chair away from the table and stretched as he got to his feet。 He took his plate to the
sink; but before he turned the water on to rinse it; he paused to toss a thick envelope at me。 The letter skidded
across the table and thunked into my elbow。
“Er; thanks;” I muttered; puzzled by his pushiness。 Then I saw the return address — the letter was from
the University of Alaska Southeast。 “That was quick。 I guess I missed the deadline on that one; too。”
Charlie chuckled。
I flipped the envelope over and then glared up at him。 “It’s open。”
“I was curious。”
“I’m shocked; Sheriff。 That’s a federal crime。”
“Oh; just read it。”
I pulled out the letter; and a folded schedule of courses。
“Congratulations;” he said before I could read anything。 “Your first acceptance。”
“Thanks; Dad。”
“We should talk about tuition。 I’ve got some money saved up —”
“Hey; hey; none of that。 I’m not touching your retirement; Dad。 I’ve got my college fund。” What was left
of it — and there hadn’t been much to begin with。
Charlie frowned。 “Some of these places are pretty pricey; Bells。 I want to help。 You don’t have to go to
all the way to Alaska just because it’s cheaper。”
It wasn’t cheaper; not at all。 But it was far away; and Juneau had an average of three hundred twentyone
overcast days per year。 The first was my prerequisite; the second was Edward’s。
“I’ve got it covered。 Besides; there’s lots of financial aid out there。 It’s easy to get loans。” I hoped my bluff
wasn’t too obvious。 I hadn’t actually done a lot of research on the subject。
“So 。 。 。 ;” Charlie began; and then he pursed his lips and looked away。
“So what?”
“Nothing。 I was just 。 。 。” He frowned。 “Just wondering what 。 。 。 Edward’s plans are for next year?”
Three quick raps on the door saved me。 Charlie rolled his eyes and I jumped up。
“ing!” I called while Charlie mumbled something that sounded like; “Go away。” I ignored him and
went to let Edward in。