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《梅森探案集(四)金矿之迹》|总人气: 98| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    厄尔·斯坦利·加德纳著赵海珊杨建华译Case of the Drowsy Mosquito by Erie Stanley GardnerCopyright the author’s Estate c Bethel Gardner &GraceNaso 1948c1997 中文简体字版专有权属文化艺术出版社Copyright licensed by Arts & Licensing International,Inc...on behalf of Thayer Hobson and pany,USA版权所有,不得翻印Case of the Drowing Duck by Erle Stanley GardnerCopyright the author’s Estate c Bethel Gardner &GraceNaso 1942c1997 中文简体字版专有权属文化艺术出版社Copyright licensed by Arts & Licensing International,Inc...on behalf of Thayer Hobson and pany,USA版权所有,不得翻印溺鸭案件版权登记号:图字:010—97—1709 号金矿之迷版权登记号:图字:01—97—1724 号...

