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《剑桥版倚天屠龙史》|总人气: 62| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    作者:Dr.Jean-Pierre Sean译者:新垣平Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber:The Cambridge History of Chinese Kongfu in Yuan Dynasty剑桥版倚天屠龙史By Dr.Jean-Pierre Sean译者:新垣平目录Chapter I Introduction第一章 绪论Chapter II The Order of Kongfu World during the Late Period of Southern Song (1195‐1259)第二章 南宋后期的武林秩序(1195‐1259)Chapter III The Formation of Kongfu‐School‐Politics in Yuan Period(1279‐1326)第三章 元代门派政治的形成(1279‐1326)附录一:张三丰:中国历史上最大的剽窃者?Chapter IV Manichaeism in China during Song and Early Yuan Period (1120‐1291)第四章 宋代和元代初期的明教(1120‐1291)Chapter V The Revival of ChineseManichaeism and the Scission of Kongfu World(1292‐1326)...

