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The Library

The Library

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《The Library》|总人气: 8| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    《The Library》作者:[英]Andrew Lang【完结】by Andrew LangContents:PREFATORY NOTEAN APOLOGY FOR THE BOOKHUNTERTHE LIBRARYTHE BOOKS OF THE COLLECTORILLUSTRATED BOOKSBooks, books again, and books once more!These are our theme, which some miscallMere madness, setting little storeBy copies either short or tall.But you, O slaves of shelf and stall!We rather write for you that holdPatched folios dear, and prize "the small,Rare volume, black with tarnished gold."A. D.PREFATORY NOTEThe pages in this volume on illuminated and other MSS. (with the exception of some anecdotes about Bussy Rabutin and Julie de Rambouillet) have been contributed by the Rev. W. J. Loftie, who has also written on

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