《10天背诵英文10000单词》|总人气: 8| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
10天背诵英文10000单词◎教程本版教程为毕克所著,目的是在十天内提高单词量到10000学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.Vocabulary 10000Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate the victory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vacomine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here....最近更新
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